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Quick start#

This guide will walk you through some of the basic Aeromancy workflows. For a high level overview of what problems Aeromancy is trying to solve, check out our SciPy 2024 abstract.

Creating a project#

To quickly set up an Aeromancy project, we've created a Copier template at quant-aq/aeromancy-project-template. Let's start by creating a new project called aerodemo:

  1. Install PDM with Copier support:

    pip install --user "pdm[copier]"
  2. Set up a new Aeromancy-managed project with the template. This will create the project directory aerodemo for you:

    copier copy --trust "gh:quant-aq/aeromancy-project-template" aerodemo

    The template will ask a lot of questions. For the purpose of this Quick Start, it's fine to fill in aerodemo or defaults for all fields.

  3. Install project dependencies:

    cd aerodemo
    git init
    pdm install --dev --no-self

What's in an Aeromancy project?#

Aeromancy projects contain several different components. For now, we'll start with the three most important: (see Tasks, Trackers, and Actions for more details on these and the other main classes)


Actions define a specific data transformation you'd like to track with Aeromancy (e.g., training a model or performing a step in a data processing pipeline). If you're familiar with Luigi and other pipeline builders, this may be familiar. Actions roughly correspond to a run on Weights and Biases (Aeromancy will help you create the runs on the Weights and Biases side).

In src/aerodemo/, we include three example Actions: ExampleIngestAction,ExampleTrainAction, and ExampleEvaluationAction. Let's walk through these.


We'll likely be simplifying the Action API in the near future. We hope to streamline it significantly.

Creating Artifacts with ExampleIngestAction#

class ExampleIngestAction(Action):
    """Example Aeromancy `Action` to ingest an existing dataset."""

Actions have class attributes help you organize your Actions and will be exposed later in experiment trackers like Weights and Biases. From most general to most specific, here are the three organizational levels Weights and Biases (and thus Aeromancy) provides:

Our example represents a typical ML flow with three Actions:

  1. job_group=model, job_type=ingest-dataset: Store the dataset as a tracked artifact in Aeromancy (more on artifacts soon!)
  2. job_group=model, job_type=train-model: Train a model from the dataset
  3. job_group=model, job_type=eval-emodel: Evaluate a model on the dataset
    job_type = "ingest-dataset"
    job_group = "model"

outputs() tells Aeromancy what artificts this Action produces. Most Actions only create a single thing (e.g., a training action creates a model, an evaluation action could output its predictions over the dataset) but multiple outputs are allowed. Also note that these can be dynamically generated based on the configuration of the Action.

    def outputs(self) -> list[str]:
        return ["example-dataset"]

run() defines the actual logic that should be tracked (train a model, transform a dataset, etc.). Within run(), we're responsible for declaring input and output artifacts with the provided Tracker. Much of the work in this example centers around configuring an output artifact with tracker.declare_output.


Why is this so complicated? Declaring an output artifact has several effects which Aeromancy will bind together:

  1. It creates a tracked (versioned) artifact from a set of local files.
  2. This makes the artifact usable in downstream Action -- we'll access the files through Aeromancy rather than directly from disk, in fact, since it will ensure that we're using the correct version of it.
  3. It will store the artifact to an S3-compatible blob store, creating a permanent and versioned reference to the contents (well, as permanent as the blob store).
  4. It will create a corresponding Weights and Biases artifact which will be associated with the corresponding Weights and Biases run and the Aeromancy Artifact.
    def run(self, tracker: Tracker) -> None:
        print("Hello world from ExampleIngestAction.")

Our dataset already exists on disk in a special directory (data/) which is accessible both inside and outside the Docker container. This should generally only be used for initial dataset ingestion -- downstream Actions should not use this path.

        dataset_paths = [

We can associate arbitrary metrics with the dataset:

        dataset_metadata = {
            "num_train_records": dataset_paths[0].read_text().splitlines(),
            "num_test_records": dataset_paths[1].read_text().splitlines(),

We'll use outputs() from above to keep artifact names in sync.

        [dataset_artifact_name] = self.outputs()

Now we're ready to declare dataset_artifact_name as an output dependency with tracker.declare_output. We'll go over each argument:

  • name: This is the name of the artifact we're declaring. This name is used in many places:

    1. It needs to match one of the names in list of artifact names returned by outputs(), so it will be part of the name of any jobs that run this Action.
    2. Downstream Actions will be able to refer to this artifact by this name.
    3. This is also the name of the corresponding Weights and Biases artifact.
    4. local_filenames: A list of files that should be included in the artifact.
    5. s3_destination: Where to store the artifact in the blob store -- this includes the bucket and key (a path prefix). This is purely for organization purposes -- naming destinations clearly could also aid with debugging but in general, you won't need to know or use S3 paths.
    6. artifact_type: This is purely for organization purposes and will be exposed in Weights and Biases. We recommend a human-readable version of the file type.
    7. metadata: This is an optional property for any extra metadata that you'd like to associate with the artifact (it will also be exposed in Weights and Biases). It can also include nested data and store a wide range of types.
    8. strip_prefix: This is the portion of the local_filenames paths that we don't want to use include in our artifact names on the blob store. In this case, this means we'll store data/example_train_data.txt as dataset/bogus-example_train_data.txt in the example-bucket bucket (the dataset/ comes from our s3_destination key).
            s3_destination=S3Object("example-bucket", "dataset/"),

We've created our first Action. Next, let's look at ExampleTrainAction which will use the dataset stored by ExampleIngestAction.

Using configuration options and Artifacts with ExampleTrainAction#

We'll focus on the novel parts of ExampleTrainAction (see the generated code for some additional commentary). First, we'll introduce a configuration parameter. Parameters can be anything that changes behavior or helps you organize your experiments -- these include hyperparameters, toggling features, or your own metadata. Let's look at __init__ where learning_rate is our example configuration parameter. Also note that we take a reference to a ExampleIngestAction. This will indicate a dependency and help Aeromancy know that it needs to run first. You might also be wondering about where ingest_dataset and learning_rate are set -- this will happen later in our ActionBuilder.

    def __init__(
        ingest_dataset: ExampleIngestAction,
        learning_rate: float,
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate

We need to call our superconstructor which include ingest_dataset as a parent Action as well as our configuration parameter:

        Action.__init__(self, parents=[ingest_dataset], learning_rate=learning_rate)

In our run() method, now we'll be able to use the artifact from our parent:

    def run(self, tracker: Tracker) -> None:
        print("Hello world from ExampleTrainAction.")

This demonstrates get_io(), a helper method to simultaneously provide input and output artifact names. Most Actions include a call to this. Note that inputs and outputs are each lists which is why we're using brackets to unpack these. Also note that the order of the input artifact names will follow the order of parent Actions (see ExampleEvaluationAction for an example of an Action with multiple parents and thus multiple input artifacts).

        [dataset_artifact_name], [model_artifact_name] = self.get_io()

Once we know the name of our input artifact, we need to declare it as a dependency. This is the counterpart of tracker.declare_output from ExampleIngestAction. It will resolve the artifact to the appropriate version and return the paths we should use to read the dataset.

        dataset_paths = tracker.declare_input(dataset_artifact_name)

        train_data = dataset_paths[0].read_text()
        print(f"Training data: {train_data!r}")

Logging metrics#

As we've already seen, we can associate arbitrary metadata/metrics with artifacts as part of tracker.declare_output. We can also log metrics about the status of an Action with tracker.log. Returning to the run() method in ExampleTrainAction:

        # Now we pretend to train a model.
        num_iterations = 10
        # Seeding your RNG is always a good idea for better reproducibility.
        rng = random.Random(x=7)
        for step in range(num_iterations):
            # We can store information about the experiment while it's being
            # run.
                    "step": step,
                    "train_error": rng.random(),


An ActionBuilder (src/aerodemo/ is responsible for constructing a dependency graph of Actions. It will be able to receive options from the command-line in __init__:

    def __init__(
        learning_rate: float,
        """Create an `ActionBuilder` for aerodemo."""
        # The project name is for organizational purposes and will be the
        # project name in Weights and Biases.
        ActionBuilder.__init__(self, project_name="aerodemo")

        self.learning_rate = learning_rate

The main logic here happens in build_actions, which constructs the Action objects we defined above. When we construct an Action, we need to add it to a list using self.add_action:


This API is likely to be simplified in the near future.

    def build_actions(self) -> list[Action]:
        actions = []

        # Build each Action in sequence. Note that we use the helper method
        # add_action rather than appending to the list directly, since
        # add_action needs to do some work behind the scenes.
        ingest_action = self.add_action(actions, ExampleIngestAction(parents=[]))
        train_action = self.add_action(
        return actions


src/, typically referred to as AeroMain, is the command-line entry point to an Aeromancy project, responsible for determining configuration options, constructing an ActionBuilder, and launching it. By default, Aeromancy will always look for AeroMain in src/

It uses Click for option parsing and Aeromancy provides a bundle of its own options in @aeromancy_click_options. Using rich.console for console logging is optional.

    help="Learning rate in optimizer.",
# We also need to include a list of standard Aeromancy options.
# Make sure to include any new options we created as arguments to aeromain.
def aeromain(
    learning_rate: float,
    """CLI application for controlling aerodemo."""

Within the aeromain() function, we construct an ActionBuilder (you can use more than one if you have several similar pipelines in the same experiment), then convert it to to an ActionRunner and run the actions:

    config = {"learning_rate": learning_rate}
    console.log("Config parameters from CLI:", config)

    # This builds our Action dependency graph given the configuration passed in.
    action_builder = ExampleActionBuilder(**config)
    # We create a corresponding runner to execute the dependency graph and kick
    # it off.
    action_runner = action_builder.to_runner()

Running our first experiments#

Aeromancy projects all include standard scripts for running Aeromancy. The main script is called go which runs AeroMain. For the Quick Start, we'll use development mode with the --dev flag.


Development mode makes it easy to test and develope pipelines quickly. It lets you run uncommitted code outside of a Docker container and Weights and Biases to speed up the developer loop. It will attempt to read artifacts from S3 so doesn't work completely offline (unless you already have the artifacts cached from previous development mode runs). It's behavior is very close to "production" mode with the main exception that it is not necessarily using the same artifact versions.

Listing available Actions#

Let's start by listing all the Action with --list:

pdm go --dev --list

You should see something like this:

[12:00:00] Running 'pdm run python src/ --list'
[12:00:01] Config parameters from CLI:
           {'learning_rate': 0.001}
[ingest-dataset] example-dataset
[train-model] example-model
[eval-model] example-model-predictions

We can see the results of our console.log statement with the default value for the learning rate parameter. This is followed by a list of all Actions our ActionBuilder built. The job_type is shown in brackets, followed by a list of output artifacts.

Running the pipeline#

Assuming we're happy with the Actions, we can run them all by omitting --list:

pdm go --dev

You should see it run each Action in sequence. Don't worry if it's overwhelming at first. Because we're running in development mode, we're using a fake tracker instead of the production Weights and Biases tracker, so you'll see a lot of messages from it about what would happen if we were running in production mode.

Job selection#

Sometimes (in our experience, often) we don't want to run the entire pipeline. To run just some of the jobs, pass the --only flag. Aeromancy will then only run jobs with a name that includes that substring. You can pass it a comma-separated list. Note that names include the job_type as well.


  • If you pass --only train, it will just run ExampleTrainAction

  • If you pass --only model, it will run ExampleTrainAction then ExampleEvaluationAction (since the latter depends on the former)

  • If you pass --only dataset,train, it will run ExampleIngestAction then ExampleTrainAction

What's next?#

We've gone through all the main components you'll need to define to run experiments in Aeromancy and how to run them in development mode. Next up, you might want to:

  • Configure Aeromancy to work with Weights and Biases and S3-compatible blob stores (production mode)
  • (To be documented) Developing and Debugging (bailout, --debug, common pitfalls, aeroset, aeroview, rerun commands)
  • Customizing your Aeromancy project
  • (To be documented) Best practices and FAQ
  • (To be documented) Debugging Aeromancy itself (for Aeromancy developers)