
Creating common figures is easy with py-smps. There are two primary out-of-the-box figures that can be made: the histogram (smps.plots.histplot) and the heatmap (smps.plots.heatmap), often referred to as a ‘banana plot’.

All of the plotting functionality is made using matplotlib, so you can easily modify or extend them using common syntax and additional libraries such as seaborn.

The Heatmap#

The heatmap function makes it easy to visualize how the particle size distribution is changing over time, allowing you to observe growth/nucleation events, etc. To use the heatmap function, you must provide three arguments:

  • X: the time axis

  • Y: the bin midpoints

  • Z: the data you wish to plot, typically dN/dlogDp

You may not agree with the default colormap choice (viridis), but you can easily change it as you see fit. However, you can’t use ``jet` <>`__!

import smps
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

sns.set('notebook', style='ticks', font_scale=1.25, palette='colorblind')

warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

# Set the default smps visuals

We will use the same example dataset (“boston”) that we’ve used throughout the rest of this tutorial.

# Load the sample boston data
obj ="boston")

X = obj.dndlogdp.index
Y = obj.midpoints
Z = obj.dndlogdp.T.values

# Plot the data
ax = smps.plots.heatmap(
    X, Y, Z,
    fig_kws=dict(figsize=(14, 6))

The Particle Size Distribution (PSD)#

To visualize the particle size distribution, use the histplot function. To plot the histogram, you must provide two pieces of information:

  • a histogram, provided as either an array or a dataframe (which will be averaged to an array)

  • the bins

There are plenty of ways to customize these plots by providing the keyword arguments for the matplotlib bar chart using the kwarg plot_kws or the figure itself using the kwarg fig_kws. You can also plot onto an existing figure by providing the axis as an argument.

Here, we make a simple plot showing the same boston dataset:

ax = smps.plots.histplot(
    fig_kws=dict(figsize=(12, 6))

# Fix the axis labels
ax.set_ylabel("$dN/dlogD_p \; [cm^{-3}]$")


We can also plot in in volume-weighted space:

ax = smps.plots.histplot(
    fig_kws=dict(figsize=(12, 6))

# Fix the axis labels
ax.set_ylabel("$dV/dlogD_p \; [µm^3cm^{-3}]$")


Next, let’s plot the same data, but plot the particle size distribution by day:

import itertools

# Create a list of dates to plot
dates = ["2016-11-23", "2016-11-24", "2016-11-25"]

ax = None
cp = itertools.cycle(sns.color_palette())

for date in dates:
    ax = smps.plots.histplot(
        plot_kws=dict(alpha=0.6, color=next(cp), linewidth=0.),
        fig_kws=dict(figsize=(12, 6))

# Add a legend
ax.legend(dates, loc='best')

# Set the axis label
ax.set_ylabel("$dN/dlogD_p \; [cm^{-3}]$")
